Remote work in a cross border context & global mobility as a lever for talent development #114

The topic we will tackle in this episode is remote work in a cross border context and global mobility as a lever for talent development. Thanks to the pandemic it is now crystal clear that talent does not necessarily have to move to Belgium anymore.

This episode is especially interesting for comp & ben and for global mobility leaders. My guest today is Koen Beckers, partner in the tax and legal department of Deloitte and he is an expert in global employer services.

What are the key trends, impacting employers, employees and global mobility?
What will the next generation of global mobility look like?
How can organizations make a shift towards a remote workforce strategiy beyond Covid-19?
What does this new blueprint look like? Is there a blueprint?

The coronavirus and its economic and social failout was a time machine to the future. Changes that many predicted would happen over decades are taking place as we speak. This is not only the opportunity to rethink work, workforce and workplace but also to rethink HR. HR leaders are uniquely positioned to prepare, support and leverage their workforce through recovery and position the organization for a new era of resilience and sustainability. But this requires exponential HR, designed for speed, new ways of working, digital first, adaptable strategies. In this episode Koen elaborates on how HR can become the voice of the organizations, making bold decisions, balancing the business needs with individual workers needs and pivot into the future.

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