#ZigZagHR krijgt 5 sterren!
Lisbeth Claus en ik hebben fan-tas-tisch nieuws: #ZigZagHR is sedert medio april ook in het Engels beschikbaar en via amazon te koop. En wat meer is: de reviews overstijgen de feedback die we in België gekregen hebben. Wat begon als een bescheiden verhaal is uitgegroeid tot een boek dat wereldwijd verkocht wordt, tot zelfs in India. Ik was hier nooit aan begonnen zonder Elisabeth Torfs. Ik was hier nooit in geslaagd zonder Lisbeth Claus. En ook een dank je wel aan Katrien Devos die me mee heeft geïnspireerd om mijn visie over HR uit te dragen. #DreamBigger
Ontdek enkele reviews van lezers van #ZigZagHR (Engels)
“A Whole New Way of Looking at HR”
#ZigZagHR is an interesting read for anyone whether in HR or not.
The central theme of the book is that HR, as we know it today, is doomed to disappear but that does not mean it would disappear completely.
After all, most companies have legacy systems and the need for legal compliance.
To remain relevant during this fourth industrial revolution, HR must reinvent itself, and zigzag towards a new model—keeping what’s needed for legal compliance and organizational culture, get rid of HR policies and practices that no longer add value, and start innovating with new practices that improve the experience of the talent.
By doing so, HR gets an extra dimension to evolve into progressive people management practices.
I especially liked chapter six on #ZigZagHR-Activities and how HR zigzags between traditional and progressive HR practices. It takes the reader on a
#ZigZagHR continuum through 10 contemporary issues facing HR, balancing compliance and control of the traditional HR function with progressive HR practices that are more people-focused and based on trust”.
“An awesome read for each HR practitioner”
As a seasoned HR professional, I was fortunate to be interviewed by Prof Lisbeth Claus when she was in the midst of writing her book. The final result exceeded my expectations as the key messages of this book are spot on. The strength of this book is that every HR practitioner can use the book as a tool for self reflection: how is the HR function changing? how do I need to change? How do I stay relevant? How can I re-invent myself?
“One of the best books in the past 5 years on HR”
I love this book. It is one of the best that I have read in the past 5 years in terms of innovative HR, aligning HR with the business and employees, and preparing organizations for the future workforce. Timely, practical, and relevant!
This book is very engaging and encourages you to read on. It challenges our conception of best practice in HR to meet head-on with the demands of the future of work. Lisbeth Claus and Lesley Arens take us on a whirlwind journey, arriving at reinvented HR with the #ZigZagHR-Manifesto!
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